Here we are again making another introspective analysis. The seff-assesment of our intercultural competences is undoubtedly useful to cast up accounts after this english course. The five elements that make up the ICC are 1attitudes, 2knowledge, 3skills of interpreting and relating; 4skills of discovery and interaction and 5critical cultural awareness/political education. Thanks to the various activities that we developed during this two semesters, we actually improved in some way each of this 5 aspects of the ICC. Obviously, each of us feels differently towards what we have been doing but anyway I think that none of us can deny the utility of this course. As all the reflective activities, this has been quite difficult or better, let’s say time demanding. One again I ‘m here, sitting down in front of my PC trying to make a self evaluation of my language learning skills.
I can say that has a been a great english course, funny and interesting; maybe the stranger but also the most effective one! Several are the aspects of this course that I really appreciate and felt comfortable with. As a matter of fact, the most important aim of a language is to communicate and during this months we surely communicate a lot: we wrote assays, we spoke with our course mates, we made blog posts, we took part in online forums, we created a wiki page, we spoke through skype with American friends… We actually experimented the most various ways to express our feelings, ideas and points of view. But there is also a reverse of
the medal; as a matter fact, following day by day all the activities and tasks, remaining up loaded with everything, taking constantly part to the on line forums and working on the final project together with my peers, both American and Italian, have been tiring! We were supposed to work a lot both in class, during lessons, and at home and I must confess that I made great efforts in order to do everything respecting the deadlines!
Now this course it’s almost at the end and I can say that despite all this hard work, I feel enriched and more open minded than before. I learned a lot of new and interesting things about American’s school system, politics and point’s of view and I found out that conversations are the best sources of information. Nothing can be more effective than something told by a friend or a peer! Well, also on line and written sources can be useful of course, and in blogs, web sites and wiki pages you can find really a great amount of information. But testimonies and real evidences given by friends or person in flesh and blood are different. My own dictionary grow a lot during this course and I learned a many words and expressions dealing with the different topics and issues we developed. Consequently, also my listening reading and writing skills have improved. It’s all a vicious circle: the more you read, write and speak, the more you learn!
I can say that has a been a great english course, funny and interesting; maybe the stranger but also the most effective one! Several are the aspects of this course that I really appreciate and felt comfortable with. As a matter of fact, the most important aim of a language is to communicate and during this months we surely communicate a lot: we wrote assays, we spoke with our course mates, we made blog posts, we took part in online forums, we created a wiki page, we spoke through skype with American friends… We actually experimented the most various ways to express our feelings, ideas and points of view. But there is also a reverse of

Now this course it’s almost at the end and I can say that despite all this hard work, I feel enriched and more open minded than before. I learned a lot of new and interesting things about American’s school system, politics and point’s of view and I found out that conversations are the best sources of information. Nothing can be more effective than something told by a friend or a peer! Well, also on line and written sources can be useful of course, and in blogs, web sites and wiki pages you can find really a great amount of information. But testimonies and real evidences given by friends or person in flesh and blood are different. My own dictionary grow a lot during this course and I learned a many words and expressions dealing with the different topics and issues we developed. Consequently, also my listening reading and writing skills have improved. It’s all a vicious circle: the more you read, write and speak, the more you learn!