You Tube is a video sharing website where any user can watch videos for free!! If you get register you can upload your videos, create
an account with your favourite videos and make play lists too.
I love you tube!! It is very funny! You can watch any kind of video, u just have to write some key words (tags) and then press the search button and…Done! A list of video will appear! On the left side of the page there are some stars indicating the quality of the video so u won’t waste time watching bad videos. There are also important information like 4 example the duration of the video, or how many time it has been watched and in this way we are able to make a quick selection of what to see.
There are a lot of funny and stupid videos, about animals, children, cars, sports and whatever available on the net! I could spend hours watching other people’ videos!
But there is something more! It can undoubtedly be an educational tool: You Tube allows us to get in contact with real english speakers!! Well, not only english of course!! You can find videos in any language!! The point is that watching part of TV programs, interviews, jokes, sketches and comedies we face real speakers’ language! There are real conversations…But u know what!? You can click the “pause button” any time you need!! That’s great! You can watch the video all the times that u want or need in order to understand what’s going on!

I love you tube!! It is very funny! You can watch any kind of video, u just have to write some key words (tags) and then press the search button and…Done! A list of video will appear! On the left side of the page there are some stars indicating the quality of the video so u won’t waste time watching bad videos. There are also important information like 4 example the duration of the video, or how many time it has been watched and in this way we are able to make a quick selection of what to see.
There are a lot of funny and stupid videos, about animals, children, cars, sports and whatever available on the net! I could spend hours watching other people’ videos!
But there is something more! It can undoubtedly be an educational tool: You Tube allows us to get in contact with real english speakers!! Well, not only english of course!! You can find videos in any language!! The point is that watching part of TV programs, interviews, jokes, sketches and comedies we face real speakers’ language! There are real conversations…But u know what!? You can click the “pause button” any time you need!! That’s great! You can watch the video all the times that u want or need in order to understand what’s going on!
5 commenti:
Hi Cristina,
I agree with you..YouTube is undoubtedly funny, and easy to manage. It offers the possibility to be an accounter and to upload your own video and to be criticized by the audience of YouTube. That's all great! Moreover, as you pointed out, YouTube is a mean for learning the English language coming in contact with a native speaker through his video. It's exactly what happened to us when we had to complete the activty in the forum; at the beginning I had some dfficulties to understand everything the protagonists were saying but then I got the point out , also thanks to the pause button, as you said.
But, do you think there might be a negative side of YouTube?
I really don't enjoy watching videos about teenagers fights o abusing one from another. This, I think, might be very counterproductive and, as I read on Wikipedia, not easy to control so that these kind of videos will always circulate on YouTube.
Just a suggestion: write the word English with the capital letter.
Let me know what you think about it .
Bye Bye
Hi Cri!
We've already said everything about the functions of You Tube I think...However,I agree with you when you said that You Tube can be an educational tool as well! It's very useful for me to watch videos in English; I don't bore myself watching people speaking. For example, if I have to do some listening activities, I easily loose my concentration if the activity is too long...Furthermore, on You Tube there are so many different types of videos!I think I could spend a whole afternoon watching them!And you?
Hi Cristin,
I have to admit that I really like YouTUBEtoo. Yesterday I spent two hours in front of my computer because I wanted watching all or better a lot of the theme songs and soundtracks of my favourite cartoons like Pollon, Occhi di Gatto, Memoleeeeee, and what about the Bee Hive’s songs??? they belong to my chilhood…so I was completely absorbed (and my mother as well). Ok, I didn’t use YouTube for an educational purpose but I’ll do it…because as Elena said it’s easier watch a video rather than only listen to a podcast; moreover they will be more entertaining and funny…
Hi Cristina!
I agree with you: YouTube is very funny. However, I think that it’s important that we choose the video on the basis of what kind of use we want to make of them. For example, if we watch video just for fun or if we’re searching videos with a learning intention. The videos present in this website are a really large number, so we have to filter them, according to our aim. Few days ago, I read in Corriere della Sera that some big companies, before engaging someone, make researches in YouTube to see if he/she did act of violence etc. So, it’s better not to put everything on the web… Especially facts like that! I think that there should be an Authority that watches over violent videos… Are you agree?
Hi Monica!
U asked me: "do you think there might be a negative side of YouTube?" and my answer is: of course I do!! The point is that we have to use our brain and be critic to everything we face!We can't take everything as gospel truth!! Every tool, be it digital or not, has got positive and negative aspects: we have to undersant well what we want to do, and what we need in order to take advantage and fun...It's up to us!
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